ohh..tidak.....just a few weeks left before exam posting tibe.....agh....mati la aku...report melambak tak tulis, nak exam g...man..i gonna cry la macam ni....last time pcatice short case with dr jerry, i really like blank....hah..ambik ko, terhegeh2 examine abdomen padahal medical posting dulu bleh plak....tu la aku ni sape la suruh rajin no wat muke ignoren je since masuk surgical ni...cet..bajet pandai la konon...ish...fara dont do it again k (nak naikkan semangat)..ish...hampeh la sgt performance aku dat day...why leh???..am i got blind ear and blind hand..dush...dush...couldn't appreciate what i heard and touch....aishh.....by the way, really to improve myself....Ya Allah permudahkan lah jalan utk hambaMu ni...Amin...
2 Responses
  1. ema Says:

    jah....kita teruskan ye jah...

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