huhu...yesterday i learn something again....
everyday is a learning process i guest...but how many it in and store in my mind...hahha..ermm..wondering....human learn most from the experience, even if it simple...am i right??...
how to story ya....
not very hevoc just the thing come across my mind...
i saw a mother teach her daughter how to pray....maybe people say it is common, bt not for me....
erm...when i saw her daughter pray, i was touch...at least this mother might already wrote her name in syurga...at least this mother have managed to teach her daughter how to pray and recite a doa....at least this mother have already teach her daughter about our creater, Allah...at least this mother have teach her daughter to who we should depend for...at least this small little child already know about something in Islam....
suddenly i scare...is one day, when i married and have a children i can be like this mother and also my mother who can teach my children with the islamic lesson...erm...such a huge responsibility isn't it....am i able to educate them without neglect them...ermm.....need a very deep though...
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